Le 33

Asnières-Sur-Seine 2023

In the context of the real estate project "Le 33," Atland enlisted the production house Quai 36 to bring a poetic dimension during the construction period. With the support of the City of Asnières-sur-Seine, this initiative transforms the construction fence into a celebration of nature. Through this urban canvas, the emerging Russian artist in contemporary and urban art, Shozy, takes us on a journey at the edge of the real world. Using a 3D technique, Shozy gives a new dimension to the plants, extracting them from an alternate reality. The laurels, ferns, and lilacs that make up this work are also found in the parks of Asnières. Through this creation, Shozy celebrates the commitments of the real estate project and encourages the residents of Asnières to preserve their natural environment.

The artist

The partners

Photo: © Julie Montel